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Easy Penguin Mason Jar Craft

Easy Penguin Mason Jar Craft For Kids

Image Credit: © eParenting.co.uk

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I just LOVE penguins – I think they are SO CUTE!

Plus they are brilliant and Christmassy because I always associate them with cold weather  - lot of my Christmas decorations are penguin themed too, including some penguin soft toys that I may have ‘borrowed’ from the kids many years ago and never quite returned….

Anyway I decided that I had to have a go at making a Mason jar penguin. My idea was to use it as a Christmas decoration (of course!). 

Easy Penguin Mason Jar Craft For Kids

When I do crafting I love to upcycle items that would otherwise have gone to landfill or into the recycling bin. The shape of this particular pickle jar kind of looked just like a penguin to me, and the idea was born.

This penguin Mason jar craft is SO easy that kids could easily make it in an afternoon and have their jar decorating the house that evening. 


Here is how I made my simple pickle jar into a fun penguin decoration.

How To Make A Mason Jar Penguin

You will need:-

Penguin Mason Jar Instructions

  1. If you are using an old jar that has contained food, wash your jar out in soapy water and remove all labels and glue completely.
  2. Start by painting your Mason Jar with black acrylic paint all over and leave to dry completely. If your jar looks a bit streaky or patchy when it dries, give the jar another coat of paint and again leave it to dry.
  3. Next paint your penguin’s tummy area on in white paint. This is done by making a sort of rounded heart shape. You might also need to do two coats of paint if the black paint is showing through – paint the white thickly for speed.
  4. UK Baby Freebies
  5. When the white paint is dry, next put your penguin’s eyes onto the jar. I did this with a Sharpie, because I find that it is much easier to control than a paintbrush for fine details like this. You could use stick on googly eyes instead if your kids find painting or drawing the eyes is a bit tricky.
  6. Finally paint the beak on as a triangle in your orange or yellow paint. I added little orange feet at the bottom too.

Here is what he looks like when you have finished painting him.

Easy Penguin Mason Jar Craft For Kids

Image Credit: © eParenting.co.uk

As a finishing touch I decided to add a little bit of tartan ribbon to the top of the jar to make him look extra Christmassy.

And there you have it – a cute Mason jar penguin craft idea that is easy enough for the kids to have a go at and make in an afternoon.


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