Image Credit: Smell of Roses
National Grandparents Day is a holiday celebrated in both the the US and the UK since 1978 and recognized in a number of countries on various days of the year, either as one holiday or sometimes as a separate Grandmothers' Day and Grandfathers' Day.
It is not as well-known as Mother's Day or Father's Day but a celebration of the day is growing in popularity. Grandparents have often helped out their families, and nowadays many grandparents look after their children while parents are at work too.
Grandparent's Day is now a fixture on the celebrations calendar.
In the US it is celebrated on the second Sunday in September.
In the UK it is celebrated on the first Sunday in October.
It is a lovely opportunity to show your grandparents on both sides just how much you love them! You can send your grandparents a gift or make them a special card.
Why not make them something special and unique for a grandparent! Here is a fantastic collection of Grandparents Day activities including crafts, printables colouring and homemade gift ideas.
Make this lovely card for a much loved grandparent using handprints.
You could use this cool printable to make a card for Grandparents Day too.
This would make a lovely gift to anyone, but I love this for a Grandparent as it is so personal.
This cute colouring picture would make a super gift for a grandmother or grandfather.
Stretch your brain with this Grandparents Day wordsearch - there is also an easy puzzle for younger kids too!
Try our new free printable Grandparents Day colouring picture.
This is aimed at teachers, but would make a lovely decoration for your Grandparent's Day celebrations.
This adorable idea could be adapted for any vase or container. Each flower has the picture of a grandchild. This grandmother has 20 grandchildren!
This free printable would make a lovely last minute gift - you coud make your own frame from card and decorate it for your grandparents.
Grandparents' Day or National Grandparents' Day is a secular holiday celebrated in various countries in Europe, Africa, Aisia, and North, Central and South America.
The day celebrates to show the bond between grandparents and grandchildren and to celbrate the contribution that older people make to family life.
It occurs on various days of the year, either as one holiday or sometimes as a separate Grandmother's Day and Grandfather's Day. It was celebrated for the first time in Poland in 1965.
In most countries it is not a national holiday, however in Japan Respect for the Aged Day, which is celebrated on the third Monday in September, is a public holiday where people return home to visit and pay respect to the elders.