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Image Credit: Brooke Cagle
As exam time looms, there is always lots of revision to be done.
But fortunately there is a lot of help available; whether you are revising for SATs, 11+, GCSEs, iGCSEs, A-Levels, Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers, International Baccalaureate, BTECs or even degree level revision.
So here is eParenting's big guide to revision websites with general revision advice, help with study skills and revision timetables and notes and help for specific subjects.
If you are worring about your exams here are 5 Top Tips for Stress-Free Exams from author and Teacher Of The Year Phil Beadle. One sure-fire way to reduce your strees leveles at revision time is to have a plan! Download this free printable Revision Timetable Template to help you get organised with all your revision
These are the best websites with help for a range of subjects to help you with your revision at what ever stage you are at, from primary school to GCSEs and A-Level.
BBC Bitesize s the daddy of all UK revision websites, with revision help for KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE, A-level, Scottish Standard Grade and Highers and Welsh TGAU.
Your school probably recommends it and it is jam-packed full of user-friendly interactive revision material for a wide range of GCSE subjects.
Plus, have a go at Dance Mat Typing and learn to touch type - it will save you so much time when you are working.
Seneca is a popular app recommended by thousands of schools and teachers - chances are any secondary school child is already using it for school work. It covers the OCR, AQA, WJEC, Edexcel, Eduqas syllabuses as well as the iGCSE ones too.
All the courses are exam board specific and written by senior examiners and industry experts.
RevisionWorld is a wide-ranging revision website covering GCSE and A-Level subjects in all the most popular subjects.
It also has lots of help with study skills, how to write a revision timetable along with advice on apprenticeships and going to university.
This website, formerly known as Exam Time, is a US based website that covers lots of basic school material and allows you to create your own learning resources with free Mind Maps, Notes, Flashcards, Slides & Quiz Making Tools.
Get Revising has revision material for GCSE, A-Level, Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers, IB and BTECs as well as university level courses.
There is material for all the popular exam subjects as well as less common subjects like Italian, Classical Civilisation, Government and Politics, Ancient History, History of Art and Media Studies amongst others.
This useful website was formerly know as Woodlands Junior School. It covers all material studied in UK primary schools and has material on all sorts of celebrations, history, geography as well as the usual maths and literacy help.
Although this is primarily a US website, much of the information is universal and so would be useful to UK students.
Subjects covered include maths, science, computing, history, economics and finance. (note that the SAT practice on this website is for US university admission SATs, not the UK ones!)
Crick web offers revision help for Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, R.E., D.T., I.C.T, French and Spanish.
It has online educational learning games and activities for Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Kindergarten and Elementary schools, with free to use fun kids games/activities for kids aged 4 - 11.
Save My Exams offers past papers and revision notes for a wide variety of topics for GCSE, iGCSE, A-Level, Pre-U and International Baccalaureate.
Home educators in the UK will find lots of useful in formation in these UK Homeschooling Resources, which also include websites where you can get help to support your child's education if they attend school as well.
Pysics and maths Tutor is an excellent site for revising GCSE and A-Level in Maths, all the sciences, geography, economics, psychology and computer science, with past papers to practice on.
It also has an education blog with advice for parents, students and teachers.
A site totally devoted to revising physics! it has has physics revision help for all secondary school pupils from age 11 to GCSE and A-Level.
There are also some interesting articles about finding your best learning style and how your brain works.
History students will want to visit the History Learning Site which has has a wealth of information on the most common GCSE and A-Level history topics as well as covering A-Level Government and Politics topics.
This is a YouTube channel with a big collections of videos for revising Religious Education GCSE. It mainly focuses on topics related to Catholicism and Christianity and does include some material for A-Level Philosophy and Ethics.
It also has tips on revision and study techniques.
Check the UK standard school term dates 2025 - 2026 for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and find out when the kids will be on holiday from school to get on with their revision...
These are websites that can give some solid advice on study skills, how to plan a revison timetable and how to work effectively.
Different revision methods work for different people. Some people find mind-mapping works for them, others prefer to create revision cards or test their knowledge. Some techniques have been shown to be more effective than others, and this article from BBC news shows which revision techniques work and which ones are ineffective.
However the message that all these sites give the the same: the most imortant revision technique is to start early.
XMind is an online mind mapping tool. You can use the basic version for free, but a paid version of this allows much more flexibility. Some schools subscribe to XMind allowing all pupils to use it.
Mammoth Memmory uses visual learning aids to help you remember the keywords, phrases, and ideas you need to succeed in your exams.
Using the audio and visual techniques that memory champions use competitively, it cam help you to learn the facts you need for your exams.
GCP Books have a fun list of 17 bite-sized revision tips. 16 of them are reasonably sensible.
Don't try #17. Please.
Lots of people find Mind Maps a useful revision technique. This site has a simple explanation of how to make a pen and paper mind map, as well as discussing mind mapping software.
Image Credit: Roman Mager
Some of these websites are aimed at younger children, these sites have lots of activities that sneak the maths into a fun game. Others are focused on GCSE and A-Level
Free GCSE and A Level maths revision resources and maths exam advice, along with revision videos and an online tool to hel you create your revision timetable.
There is also a library of past papers from all exam boards to download.
An animated, interactive online maths dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language.
Once you have got past the mindblowing psychedelic colours which may sear your eyeballs, there are lots of useful printable posters. It is a US based site probably most useful to UK kids up to KS2.
Coolmath was designed for the students who just need to get through this stuff so they can reach their other academic goals and also for the maths geeks of the world who love maths and want more!
So lots of maths based games and classic games such as draughts and sudoku. Sister sites for teachers, parents and brain training can give even more maths help.
Math.com is a US based site which offers on-demand modular courses that target key maths concepts, 24/7 live online tutoring, and expert answers to maths questions with exploratory and recreational introductions to the world of maths, mainly aimed at getting the basic concepts solidly understood.
Official website of the Murderous Maths series of books which make maths fun and relevant.
They have extra bits which expand on the material in the murderous maths books, plus lots of cool maths based tricks and puzzles.
A subscription only website used by many schools in the UK . It includes and app that you can download to your phone. If you have free access via school it is a great way of revising maths.
Another subscription site which many schools use for homework which can be used a s a revision tool. It has material for both primary and secondary school pupils right up to A-Level.
Really good if you have free access through your school, or you can take a 30 day free trial.
TutotBot is aimed at KS1 pupils and contains completely free online maths games where children can practice their mathematics skills.
With over 100 different customisable games it is a fun and new way to improve mathematics fluency, accuracy and speed.
A free app which uses the effective teaching techniques that Duolingo employs for languages to teach maths. Levels start at elementary school level up to adult brain training.
Currently only available for iOS. Come on Duo, when will this be available for Android!
Has all the past SATs papers, optional SATs papers, mental maths listening tests since 2003.
These are available to download with information about SATs level thresholds and grade boundaries for KS1, KS2 and KS3.
A subscription site which you may have free access to via your school. Gives SATs exam practice online. Parents can also subscribe for a small annual fee.
This subscription site does have a free practise and prepare guide for the 11+ with free sample activities and exam board guides, as an introduction to both their free and subscription exam preparation services.
Lots of free and paid 11+ study and revision help. Free materials include practice papers, mock exams and study suggestions.
There is also a helpful forum which parents can join to share their experiences of their kids 11+ study and exams.
Download free practice papers for the CEM tests and for GL and other 11+ test providers. These are not past papers but are of the type of question that may appear in the 11+ exams.
They offer papers for maths, english, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Find CPG 11+ Study Books at Amazon UK
Key Stages Online has a good collection of free 11+ practice papers to download as well as videos and exam tips. You will have to register to access the papers, and you can have a free week-long trial of their paid resources.
Lots of free quiz-style tests on 11+ topics including verbal and non-verbal reasoning as well as maths and english.
Free downloadable practice papers and a handy list of UK Grammar schools telling you whether they use GL, CEM or internal testing for the 11+.
Owl Tutors have some free specially written 11+ practice papers to download for mats, english and verbal reasoning exams.
A mix of free and paid for resources for all GCSE subjects as well as past papers to download.
Quick revision snippets for English, French, German, ICT, Physics and Maths for GCSE and iGCSE students
Ove 1000 pages of detailed notes with useful nmeonics on various GCSE Modern World History topics.
Starting with the causes of WWI, the site also includes useful info on sourcework, essay writing and how to analyse an exam question.
EnglishBiz is written by an experienced English teacher to give help with English and English Literature GCSEs and iGCSEs. There is also some useful material for students of A-level English and Media Studies.
It aims to give the skills you need to write well and to be able to analyse texts and write effective essays, rather than cover individual texts.
GCSE specific maths site with explanations, worksheets, practise questions and glossary of maths terms.
There are also revision notes, maths games and puzzles, worksheets and a bank of exam-style questions to try.
Free online GCSE Science quizzes on physics, chemistry and biology. The quizzes are a good way to get a taste of how much you’ve learned in science and it’s also a fun way to learn about different theories and concepts.
Revision Guru is the home of Economics and Business Studies revision. Mainly aimed at those studying for the OCR, AQA and Edexcel syllabuses.
Free revision guides for A-level biology from the AQA, OCR, Cambridge WJEC, educas and Edexcel exam boards, written by an experienced biology teacher.
Basic membership to access sample materials is free, with paid options for individuals, teachers and schools to access all materials.
Presents biology as detective work and focuses on the process of science. This US based site is aimed at advanced students and self learners.
Departing from traditional textbooks, XBio presents biology as detective work - a bold search for knowledge, and not just as memorization.
A-level chimistre revision help for all the main UK exam boards - AQA, CIE, OCR, Edexcel, Eduqas & WJEC revision material.
Sample materials are free with full access for a subscription, which includes easy-to-understand revision notes for each exam board, practice exam question booklets, mindmap visual aids, interactive quizzes, PowerPoint presentations and a library of past papers directly from the exam boards.
Gives some good background reading students of A-level economics (and beyond), by explaining important economic concepts and topical news stories.
Regularly updated with current trends in economics, behavioral economics and finance.
How To Write A Stunning A-Level Art & Design Personal Study
Image Credit: Ingo Joseph
Duolingo is a great resource for revising the most common modern foreign languages that can be studied at GCSE and A-Level - French, German, Spanish and Italian as well as many other interesting languages.
The course requires you to write whole sentences and the more popular languages have listening and speaking exercises.
Memrise offers has free flashcard-type learning resources for many different subjects but works best for learning language vocabulary.
Every subject you can study at GCSE and A-Level (including classical Greek and Latin) and a huge number that you can't.
If you are learning Japanese, this has a whole raft of resources for GCSE Japanese, including downloadable information sheets and audio resources.
Fun language learning and revision games for French German, Spanish, Italian, and Latin.
From absolute beginners to GCSE and A-level students, these fun games will support your school language learning.
Finally, If you are easily distracted while revising, here are a couple of apps to help you.
You can set this to block anything from a specific webpage to the entire Internet. You can also allow exceptions, block applications, or even use it to lock yourself out of your computer.
An app for Mac users to block distracting websites. Just set a period of time to block for, add sites to your blocklist, and click "Start." Until that timer expires, you will be unable to access those sites—even if you restart your computer or delete the application.
Discover where your time is really going with RescueTime automatically tracks the time you spend on apps and websites - even specific documents - without timers or any manual entry. You’ll get detailed reports on exactly where your time goes and what’s getting in the way of your productivity.
These are some more online resources which require a subscription or a one-off fee for certain courses.
ed place is aimed at students from Year 1 right up to GCSE. They provide thousands of online resources in English, Maths, Science to help with studying, homework, revision and exam prep including SATs, 11+ as well as GCSEs.
ed place provides access to hyper-relevant resources that are delivered in an engaging format, personalised to the student's specific needs using AI-technology, and ultimately inspiring confidence.
This amazing site offers online maths, science and engineering courses created by experts from leading universities and organisations. The level will be more appropriate to older students, and would be an excellent resource for background work for GCSE and A-Level.
You can brush up on basic science and numeracy skills or master advanced topics like robotics and forensics. They also offer courses on History, Literature, Creative Writing, Art, Media, Study Skills and Languages.
This is now a subscription based site aimed at both students and teachers, offering audio material, video material, self-marking exam papers, grammar exercises, translations and dictations
The leading maths website where you can subscribe to Carol Vorderman’s, confidence building, maths schools and revision clubs.
There are fun video lessons with Carol and over 1,000 daily practice sessions and games with everything matched to the new National Curriculum. Currently offering a 21 day free trial.
This subscription site offers extensive History revision notes and help on most common exam syllabus topics. Written by a history teacher ther is a a wide range of revision notes for History. Spanning KS3 (11-14 Years), KS4 (14-16 Years), and KS5 (16-18 Years).
Visit the exam board websites for up to date information on exams, and to download past papers to practise with. Many also have helpful advice on revising and sitting exams.
You can also check on the current syllabus for the subjects that you are studying and exam timetables.
AQA has some useful revision hints, plus access to AQA's recent past papers for practice.
CCEA is the exam board for GCSEs and vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland with revision tips, past papers and mark schemes.
Pearson Education is the organisation which includes Edexcel GCSE and A-Levels, BTECs, NVQs and LCCI qualifications.
OCR have recent past papers which you can download as well as study resources and advice about managing exam stress.
WJEC offer a range of qualifications, not just Welsh language! They also have past papers and exam information along with articles about study skills and personal skills.
SQA is the website of The Scottish Qualifications Authority which sets the National 1 to National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses as well as Skills for Work and Baccalaureate qualifications.
They offer up to 5 years of past papers to download.
Is there a website that has helped you with your revision? Let us know so that we can add it to this list.