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Knitting For Charity 2025

Knitted squares

Do you want to knit, crochet or sew for charity? Maybe the only place you heard of knitting for is Oxfam?

Well, there are lots more charities, local, national and international that need your help, whether you knit, crochet or sew.

Could you could knit a hat for a premature baby, crochet a blanket or even knit a toy teddy? Many of them also offer free knitting patterns that you can use to make your items.

If you know of a charity which needs knitted, crocheted or other hand-crafted items, please Contact Us so that they can be added to this list.

Knitting for Charity - How your knitting, sewing or crocheting could help a good cause

Charity Knitting in the UK

Here are the charities in the UK which need knitted, crocheted or sewn items.

Many civic and church organisations will also have their own links with groups that accept knitted items to send to local hospitals or overseas. You could also try contacting your nearest volunteer bureau to see if they have any requirements.

Some knitting

Image Credit: ©eParenting

Knitted Breasts

Did you know that knitted breasts are really useful?!

There are two ways that they can help; Firstly, midwives and hospital maternity units use them to help new mothers learn how to breastfeed their baby. Get in touch with your local hospital to find out if there is a need for these in your area. Knitted breasts for lactation can made using this pattern provided free by Lactation Consultants of Great Britain (LCGB) and they can be either knitted or crocheted in any colour you like!

The charity Knitted Knockers is a US based charity with groups around the world that make knitted prosthetic breasts for people who have had mastectomies or lumpectomies. Knitted Knockers UK is their UK group. Knitted Knockers make each item to order, and so need skilled knitters who can make an item to a high standard with specially selected materials supplied by the charity. You can apply to be one of their knitters on the website.

Charity Knitting in the US

Knitting & Giving Connecticut based charity group that has been established to provide warm hand knit or crocheted items to those in need. They deliver donated items to local hospitals, homeless shelters, and more, as well as ship donations to those in need throughout the United States and abroad.

Snuggles Project This charity asks you to donate a little of your time and your leftover scraps of yarn or fabric to make snuggles for your local humane societies and animal shelters. Crochet, knit, quilt or sew cloth blankets.

The website has a collection of patterns for you to use as well.

Charity Knitting in South Africa

The Ruth Mailbag Group who have been knitting baby items for "fish and chips" premature and newborn babies has sadly closed and are no longer able to accept knitted items.

Knit-a-Square South African charity that asks you to knit squares 8" X 8" which they will then sew together into blankets for children, particularly in Africa. They also have patterns for a square vest, a hat, toys and a roomy pullover for children, all of which they would appreciate donations of.

In a hurry? Here are 7 superfast things that you can knit for charity in just an evening.

More Knitting
